Sherburn Boghoppers

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Messages from John Penrose 

Sent: 24th July2024

Our next walking event will be on Sunday 18th August.  This will be a combined A and B walk from Elsecar (just south of Barnsley) and will be a cars only trip.  Christine Snowdon will be leading the walk and I will distribute details a week or so beforehand.

At the moment have further 3 coach trips planned but we are needing walk leaders-

   Leyburn, Wensleydale      8th September         A walk leader needed, B walk- Melvin King

   Skipton, Wharfedale        29th September      A walk- Alan Yeaman, B walk leader needed

   Pateley Bridge                 20th October            A walk- John Penrose, B walk leader needed

We plan to have further coach trips on 10th November and 1st December.  Please can I have walk leader offers for this dates so that we can complete our programme for 2024.


Sent: 8th July2024

If you are planning to join our next trip on the 21st July to Reeth, Swaledale, please make sure that you book your place on the coach with Jean by the end of this week.  We still do not have a B walk leader at Reeth, I will bring a couple of maps with possible B walks on the coach.

We still need offers of B walk leaders for Skipton, 29th September and Pateley Bridge, 20th October.  We also need walk leaders for 10th November, 1st December and 15th December… first offers get to choose where we go!.

In August Christine Snowdon will be leading a combined A/B walk from Elsecar and this will be a cars only trip.  More details will be provided later.

Best wishes John


Sent: 4th  March 2024

Click to View 2024 AGM Report

Please note that we have decided to raise the membership subscription (which is now due) to £12 per annum.

Coach fares will also rise to £15 (£17 for visitors).

Both are quite sharp rises but reflect the fact that we have been subsidising the cost of coach hire from our funds and have made a loss of over £700 last year. Had these rates been used last year we would have just broken even.

Please pay your subscription as soon as possible.  Cheques or cash to Barbara Beeton (or pay on the coach on the 17th March). 

You can also pay your £12 by direct bank transfer to  
‘Sherburn Boghoppers Hiking Club’, sort code: 53 61 23 account number: 67748422
and put your name in the reference (if you use this method to pay please send us an email to to notify us that you have done so)

Coach Pickups 20 March 2023

At the AGM a resolution was passed that we reduced the number of coach pickups to a maximum of one after Sherburn.  The result would be that the coach would pick up at Tadcaster, Wetherby or Garforth depending on our destination.  The reason for this was to reduce the journey time and to reduce the mileage/coach hire.  It was probably brought up because the route via Micklefield and Aberford to Tadcaster was felt to be particularly onerous.  NB.  We originally travelled straight from Sherburn to Tadcaster but introduced the pickups in Micklefield & Aberford when we resumed having the coach after covid to try and encourage people back to the walks.

We have now looked in more detail at the implications to costs and mileage.

Sherburn to Tadcaster direct would appear to save £10  on  the coach hire and more than halve the travel time and mileage between those points.  However, the journey to Wetherby from Sherburn  can only be reduced by 5 minutes or so on a 26 minute journey by taking the most direct route, and apparently would not attract any saving on the coach hire.

We would, therefore, propose that we maintain the pickups at Micklefield and Aberford when travelling via Wetherby but on other routes just pick up at Tadcaster or Garforth.

We are conscious that this does not exactly match the terms of our AGM resolution but we are confident that it implements the intention and spirit of it.

Please let us know of your opinion on the matter and if this is not acceptable to a number of you we will review the situation again.  For the time being we will maintain pickups at Micklefield and Aberford when we travel via Wetherby as the case for our next walk at Leyburn on the 16th April.



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